Management team

In our company, success is built with the commitment and determination of an exceptional team. Every day we work with commitment and passion to protect what matters most, providing tailor-made solutions for every need.

We are driven by our mission to lead with innovation and agility, guided by a clear vision: to become the largest insurance company in Latin America.

Eduardo Manuel Bottin

Co-Founder and President of Hanseatica

Together we are transforming the future of insurance

Guido Bottin

Chief Operating Officer

Ariel Guillermo Tajman

Commercial Manager

Andrea Viviana Balestieri

Claims & Legal Manager

Damián Gabriel Carbajales

Operations & Technical Manager

Cecilia Andrea Capandeguy

Administration & Finance Manager

Carlos Daniel Gerardi

Technology Manager

Roberto Luis Ponessa

Human Resources Manager

Mariela Paula Martino

Marketing & Experience Manager

Diego Scalise

Organization & Methods Manager

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