Legal Notice and Data Privacy Policy

Privacy and Data Protection Policy HANSEATICA Compañía de Seguros S.A. (hereinafter Hanseatica) with legal domicile at Av. Del Libertador 498, 23rd floor, (C1001ABR), C.A.B.A., is the owner of the website is responsible for the files generated with the personal data provided by users through this site.

It is important to Hanseatica to protect the privacy of our website users. Therefore, all information collected in connection with the use of this site will be kept in accordance with our privacy policies. By using our website the user accepts Hanseatica's Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to our website, e-mails, forms, and any other mechanism of direct or indirect communication with us.

The following are some of the legal reasons why we will collect and use your personal information:

  • To make a quotation and/or an insurance contract.
  • To identify the holders of personal data who contact us.
  • To identify the policyholder.
  • To administer, underwrite and renew policies.
  • To be in contact with policyholders and/or legal representatives.
  • To make and receive payments.
  • To administer, manage and settle claims.
  • To comply with the regulatory provisions in force regarding the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism and Fraud Prevention and Detection, as well as other requirements issued by other national and international control agencies, if applicable.

Only if necessary, we will share your personal information for the purposes of generating insurance products and providing the requested services with the types of organizations described below:

  • Intermediaries involved: Insurance Producers, Insurance Advisors, Insurance Brokers and/or any other intermediary.
  • Reinsurers, suppliers and service providers for their use in accordance with the specific purposes within their competence and/or indicated to them.
  • Insurance companies or third parties involved in those cases where it is strictly necessary due to a claim and in compliance with regulatory provisions.
  • Regulatory and judicial entities, governmental or tax authorities and/or other law enforcement agencies in order to comply with applicable legal or regulatory requirements.

We will retain and process your personal information in accordance with the purposes for which it was originally collected in order to manage our business and for the purpose of complying with the retention periods required by Law and Controlling Bodies.

If the requested personal information is not provided to us, we will not be able to provide you with a quote and/or insurance policy and/or certificate of coverage, nor will we be able to evaluate future claims in the case of claims incurred or other services requested. Therefore, the provision of the required information is mandatory for us to be able to provide our services. The data provided will be considered accurate and truthful.

Keeping the information secure and using it only as and when you want to. The information use policies are set out below:

  • We will keep safe and according to adequate levels of protection, all information provided by our customers or potential customers.
  • We adopt all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security and confidentiality of personal data, in order to avoid its adulteration, loss, consultation or unauthorized treatment.
  • We will not use the information provided unless we are expressly authorized to do so for the purpose of informing you about products and services offered by us.
  • We will not disclose the information provided to any external organization, except those detailed above, and/or unless the client has previously given us his free, express and informed consent in writing or by other means that allow it to be matched, and/or is required by law or by resolution of competent authority.
  • Our clients or potential clients will have the possibility to request the details of the information provided by them and, if necessary, rectify it and/or request the cancellation of the corresponding registration.

Personal Data Protection

Pursuant to the provisions in force, it is established that: "AGENCIA DE ACCESO A LA INFORMACIÓN PÚBLICA, Control Body of Law No. 25.326, has the power to hear complaints and claims filed in relation to the non-compliance with the rules on personal data protection".

Recalling that:

The owner of the data may exercise the following rights conferred by the aforementioned regulation:

  1. Rectification, updating, deletion - maximum response time: 5 working days from the date of the reliable communication.
  2. Access to the data free of charge at intervals of no less than 6 months, unless a legitimate interest to that effect is proven - maximum response time: 10 calendar days from the date of the reliable communication.
  3. Withdrawal or total or partial blocking of your data for advertising purposes - response time: 5 working days from the reliable communication.

These rights may be exercised through a reliable communication addressed to: Messrs. Hanseatica Compañía de Seguros S.A. - Datos personales -, Av. Del Libertador 498 23rd floor, (C1001ABR) | C.A.B.A.

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About Hanseatica

We tell you our story and what makes us different. We are the best option to provide security to your business.

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