Prevention to combat fraud

Insurance fraud is any action or omission aimed at illegitimately obtaining a benefit by policyholders, insured, third parties, insurance agents, as well as other professionals involved in the contracting, issuance and/or accounting of insurance, or in the production, communication, intervention and/or repair and collection of a claim.

Hanseatica Compañía de Seguros S. A., implements the measures to be taken into account to prevent and detect fraud, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 34,877 of the SSN, on policies, procedures and internal controls to combat fraud.

The following are a series of dissuasion and prevention actions as warnings, with the purpose of avoiding that voluntarily or involuntarily, as policyholders, insured, beneficiaries or victims, may contribute to perpetrate a fraudulent maneuver.

Fraud Prevention and Deterrence Actions:

1) They should never sign blank claim forms or claim reports.

2) They must never accept money, or sign documents or agree to powers of attorney whose scope and effects they do not understand, nor acknowledge facts that have not occurred, nor accept legal assistance provided by unknown third parties.

3) They must not modify the state of things damaged by the loss (with the exception of the salvage obligation in order to avoid or diminish the aggravation of the damage to the extent of their possibilities), nor fraudulently exaggerate the damage; use false evidence; or provide false complementary information.

4) Fraud that is directed against the insurer causes damage to the entire community, impacts premium costs, and occurs when people cheat the company (and/or the insurance producer/advisor) to collect money or obtain some other advantage to which they are not entitled.

5) Fraud affecting the insurer is a crime. The variation, simulation or misrepresentation of personal, temporal, objective circumstances, causality, place, and the deliberate provocation, or the total or partial simulation of the occurrence of the loss, are some of the most common forms of fraud, which leads to admitting it as natural, without understanding the seriousness involved.

6) False declarations or any misrepresentation of circumstances known to the insured, even if made in good faith, which if taken into account would have prevented the contract or modified its conditions, shall render the contract null and void, and the consequences shall be more serious in the case of fraudulent or bad faith attitudes.

7) Remember that you may be voluntarily or involuntarily involved in a fraud scheme. There is always the risk that some person with very bad intentions may induce you to carry out practices that are outside the law.

8) They must never agree to cooperate in carrying out a fraud scheme.

9) They must never provide data or access to their policies to third parties when this is not justified, nor allow the substitution or simulation of the real personal, temporal, objective or causal circumstances related to the occurrence of a claim.

10) They should be alert to sudden or freak accidents, especially if they involve allegedly affected persons on bicycles or motorcycles.

11) They should try to obtain data from real witnesses and document, according to their possibilities, the circumstances of the incident, e.g., by means of photographs, filming, etc., to prevent them from being distorted against them.

12) You should always consult with your insurer in case of any doubt or eventuality and report any new developments that may arise.

13) Remember to report the occurrence of the loss. Make sure to formalize such report and that you are informed of the claim number under which it will be processed internally in the entity.

14) Keep in mind that their coverage may have limitations, in terms of items, risks or concepts not covered, e.g., by virtue of deductibles or by the adoption of personalized systems, usually known as "scoring", in which the premium is defined according to statistical measurements regarding the loss ratio, depending on different personal variables, the insured property, its use and geographical location, which must be respected.

15) They should be warned about the offer of hedges, generally at a cost below the market average, by unauthorized marketers.

16) Although it is permitted to insure the same interest and the same risk with more than one insurer, in such case, all entities must be notified. It is not permissible for the indemnity to exceed the amount of damage suffered, nor is it permissible to pursue recovery in respect of a loss that has already been repaired by another insurer.

17) Do not purchase auto parts or spare parts of dubious origin. Not only because they may be the product of a serious crime, but also because their quality is not guaranteed. In your case, go to legally regulated dismantlers, whose products are certified and identified. For further information, go to and you will be able to access the list of dismantling shops registered in the Single Registry of Automotive Dismantling Shops (RUDAC).

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