Surety Insurance

We guarantee your commitments

We know how important it is to comply with your obligations to third parties. That is why we offer you a solution designed to guarantee the fulfillment of your commitments, giving you the peace of mind that every contract will be backed up.

With Surety Insurance, we offer complete coverage in Argentine territory, ranging from contract compliance to liability management in specific activities, such as real estate rental or professional engagements.

Surety Insurance is the ideal tool for companies and professionals who need to guarantee liabilities in various areas.

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Main coverages

  • Customs coverage: Customs General Directorate updates, duty differences, tax deferral, importer and exporter registrations, transit, lack of documentation, promotional regimes and other benefits, customs guarantees: ANBE, DONA, SUCO.
  • Works, supplies and services: Bid maintenance, advance payment for material stockpiling, financial advance, contract execution/ award, repair fund and tenure guarantees.
  • Rentals: Protection in real estate and furniture rental contracts.
  • Activity or profession: Individual risk analysis for professionals such as tourism agencies, customs brokers, public auctioneers, temporary personnel, guarantees of performance of activity/profession and guarantees of company administrators (IGJ).
  • Judicial coverage: Substitution of precautionary and counter-precautionary measures in judicial proceedings.
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24-hour service

We offer agile and continuous support 24 hours a day through multiple channels, ensuring that you always have someone available to help you when you need it.

Financial strength

We have a solid financial structure, which guarantees our capacity to respond to any claim, even in critical or highly complex situations.

Request for quotation

Leave us your information and our team will contact you as soon as possible. This insurance is only available in Argentina.

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